Crossing Borders with Capt. Jim Goodrich

From his time in the entertainment industry as a kid, his early passion for sailing, and his parrot-loving mother, James M. Goodrich forged a uniquely qualified background for what ended up being a thirty-year career.

Jim was a smuggler at heart, but a smuggler with integrity who actually cared about people. A walking paradox, Jim would spend the first half of the day with the people who wrote the laws and evenings with the people who broke them. His list of friends and enemies spans celebrities across the music, movies/television, and political worlds.

His extensive travels also led him to friendships with the cast and crew of Crocodile Dundee and Blood Oath and to such luminaries as Timothy Leary, Buckminster Fuller, and Werner Erhard when Jim did the EST Seven-Day Executive Course on transformation.

Jim’s unique and enthralling experiences are documented in Crossing Borders – The Origin Story, the first book in the Crossing Borders series.

Jim Goodrich has worn a plethora of hats throughout his 50-year career in the entertainment industry that began as a child actor on stage, television, and film until he graduated to behind the camera. He has worked in such diverse capacities as, special effects artist, artist rep/management, Sr. VP Program Development at a television production company, concert promoter, and film producer, among others. The impermanent nature of media projects allowed Jim to pursue his many other lifelong passions of international yacht racing and cruising, skiing, surfing, and travel between projects throughout the years, many of which were focused on crossing international borders with contraband. The nexus of these activities became the catalyst for a lifetime of documented adventures, which are the subject of the Crossing Borders series.  

This program was organized by Phoebe Piper #1244.