2024 Annual Business Meeting – 2nd Session

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The Adventurers’ Club holds two annual business meetings. Attendance is restricted in accordance with our Bylaws:

Business meetings shall be open only to members in good standing. Honorary, associate, and consular members may attend but they shall not make nominations or motions, nor shall they have a vote.

Members wishing to attend the first business meeting may make a reservation here. If you wish to attend via Zoom, a link will be emailed out prior to the meeting.

2nd Session

The first meeting in November shall constitute the second session of the Annual Meeting. At that session the report of the Nominating committee presented at the first meeting in October and other nominations made at that meeting, shall be formally presented, and the officers and directors for the following year shall be elected. No further nominations shall be permitted at the November meeting. Any propositions submitted at the first session in October, and properly proposed amendments, may be further discussed and acted upon.


  1. Approval of Minutes of the First Session
  2. Secretary’s Report
  3. Treasurer’s Report
  4. President’s Report
  5. Appointment of Election Tellers
  6. Bylaw Propositions (Voting)
  7. Nominating Committee Report
  8. Election of Officers and Directors
  9. Report of the Election Tellers
  10. Deferred Business
  11. New Business


Ballots will be mailed to all members immediately following the 1st Session. Members wishing to vote by mail must return their ballot to the club before the 2nd Session. Any ballots received after November 7th will not be counted. Vote by mail is a courtesy, not a right. If you are concerned about your vote being received on time, it is better to attend the meeting in person. 

This program was organized by Rich Mayfield #1211.