2023 Night of High Adventure

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Join us for our annual black-tie gala of fine dining, camaraderie, and amazing adventure stories told firsthand at the Adventurers’ Club 2023 Night of High Adventure. This year’s celebration commemorates our Centennial and will be held at the new San Pedro Elks Lodge overlooking the historic port of Los Angeles.

Keynote Speaker- Thomas Kozlowski

Thomas Koslowski is the founder of the JUMP FOR THE PLANET Project. In 2024, he will perform the highest skydive in history by jumping from the edge of space at 148,000 ft. Through this project, he aims to bring awareness to the plight of refugees who are displaced by climate change.

Thomas has completed over 2,300 jumps as skydiver and instructor. In December 2014, after two years of preparation, he ascended in a balloon to the stratosphere to complete the highest skydive jump in Europe at 35,220′.

On June 21, 2017, Thomas raised over €50,000 and received the Charity Hero Award by completing 50 jumps in one day. Each jump was dedicated to a seriously ill person. A few months later, he completed 100 jumps in one day, raising $150,000 to finance the purchase of specialized wheelchairs for handicapped children in need of them.

He is the author of The Story of a Thousand Fears, a motivational speaker and leadership coach. Thomas specializes in analyzing teams, leadership and Crisis Intervention. He has worked extensively in Poland and New Zealand on numerous team building projects and conducts training courses for corporations and NATO to aid in multicultural leadership and team building.

From 1995-2012, Thomas worked as a Certified Mountain/First Aid Rescuer, Mountain Rescue Instructor and Ski Instructor. He is a certified trainer for the Polish Military, Police and Special Forces and has completed training covering critical intervention, psychological support in critical situations as well as psychological and social aid in mass traumatic events. He has been featured as an expert in numerous publications and has been interviewed on dozens of television shows on the topics of health psychology and issues related to the human factor in mountain accidents.


  • 6:00 Doors Open: Silent Auction, Hors d’oeuvres & Cocktails
  • 7:00 Opening Remarks
  • 7:05 Ringing of the Bell
  • 7:10 The Traditional Four Toasts
  • 7:15 New Member Inductions
  • 7:25 Introduction of the Class of 2023
  • 7:40 Dinner Served
  • 8:15 Introduction of Keynote Speaker
  • 9:15 Silent Auction Concludes
  • 9:30 Adventurer of the Year Award
  • 9:45 Auction Winners Announced
  • 9:55 Closing Remarks

Silent Auction

In addition to honoring fellow Adventurers’, the Night of High Adventure serves as a fundraiser for the club. Members and guests are encouraged to participate in our silent auction featuring Artifacts, Exotic Sundries, and Adventurous Experiences. Check back soon for a sample of the items that will be available this year.

Pictures from NOHA 2022

This program was organized by Rich Mayfield #1211.