2022 Annual Business Meeting- 1st Session

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The Adventurers’ Club holds two annual business meetings. These meetings are only open to the following members:

Business meetings shall be open only to members in good standing. Honorary, associate, and consular members may attend but they shall not make nominations or motions, nor shall they have a vote.

The purpose of the first meeting is as follows:

The first session shall be held in lieu of the first general meeting in October in each year. At that session the report of the Nominating Committee shall be formally presented. Additional nominations may be made by Active members. Proposals for change in the Bylaws, or in the management or policies of the Club, shall be submitted in writing and may be discussed.

Members wishing to attend the first business meeting may make a reservation here. If you wish to attend via Zoom, a link will be emailed out prior to the meeting.

This program was organized by Rich Mayfield #1211.